
ESCP Meeting, 21-23 September 2022

On 21-23 September 2022 THD was in Dublin to participate in the ESCP Meeting.

On 21-23 September 2022 THD was in Dublin for one of the most prominent conferences in the field of coloproctology: the European Society of Coloproctology Annual Meeting (ESCP).

On 20 September in Dublin, one day prior to the beginning of the event, THD organized and sponsored a pre-congress course for 40 healthcare professionals dedicated to the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Anal Precancerous Lesions. The course saw the participation of international and renowned lecturers with an extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of H-SIL: Prof. Emanuel Cavazzoni, Dr. Sebastiano Biondo, Dr. Igor Sirovich and Dr. Sanghyun Kim. They illustrated the latest technological advances in the screening and follow-up of anal dysplasia: THD® HRA STATION and THD® Laser Station, the evolution of THD modular system for the screening and treatment of anal precancerous lesions. During the course, that proved a great success, participants had the opportunity to share their clinical experience and discuss about the solutions presented. 

While on 22 September, during the “THD® Doppler for Anolift” symposium that saw the attendance of a high number of delegates, Dr. Pasquale Giordano illustrated the advantages of the clinical evolution of the THD® Doppler procedure with the THD® Anolift technique. 

We wish to thank all those who participated in the pre-congress course and in the symposium and all those who visited our booth! 
