Endo-Anal, Endo-Rectal & Pelvic Floor Ultrasound Training - THDLAB - COM

  • Contents
  • Programme
  • Speaker
  • The dates of the next Webinars:


A course dedicated to Pelvic floor ultrasound, in its different modalities: transanal, transrectal, transvaginal and an introduction to transperineal ultrasound.

The course focuses mainly on the pathological issues of the posterior compartment, but also covers issues related to the middle and anterior compartments.

Specifically, the following pathologies are dealt with from an ultrasound point of view:

  • Faecal incontinence

  • Anal sepsis

  • Rectal and anal cancer

  • Pelvic prolapse

The course is aimed at those who have a rudimentary knowledge of transanal ultrasound and those who have a limited hands on experience but are keen to implement within their clinical practice.



The course will be delivered by the instructor through the Zoom platform and will have a limited number of participants, to make sure that everyone can participate with direct questions to the Tutor.

The programme is organised as follows:

  • Basic principles of ultrasound

  • Ultrasound anatomy of Anal Canal, Rectum and Pelvic Floor

  • Ultrasound appearance of anal sepsis, fistulas, perianal abscesses and sphincter lesions

  • Ultrasound for rectal and anal canal cancer staging

  • Ultrasound in obstructed defecation syndrome and pelvic prolapse



The Course Tutor, Dr. Marco La Torre, graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2004, at the University La Sapienza of Rome.

He is currently a proctologist and specialist in general surgery at the Fabia Mater Treatment Centre in Rome and at the Sant'Anna Private Treatment Centre, at the Pomezia Polyclinic, where he is Manager of the Coloproctology Unit, Highly Specialised and Training Centre of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery.

Dr. La Torre has held various professional positions within the field of surgery and has gained educational and professional experience in France as well as a lecturer and contract researcher. He has participated as a member of scientific societies and organisations and has also held teaching and scientific positions.

He won the 2012 Ettore Ruggeri Award, Scholarship of the Italian Society of Surgery.

He is the author of numerous international scientific publications and several books.

His experience in the field of proctology and surgery qualifies him as a titled expert nationally and beyond.


The dates of the next Webinars:

In the following calendar you will find the dates of the next available Webinars.

With a simple click you will be able to check the details of each course (date, time and places still available) and submit a "Request to participate in the webinar".

Once you have completed the request, you will be contacted as soon as possible by the secretariat to receive all the operational details to access the online session of your choice.



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Mon - Fri
8.30 am – 1.00 pm
2.00 pm – 5.30 pm (CET)

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