
THD Training Courses in June 2024

In June, THD organised 1 webinar and 5 Advanced live Courses dedicated to different diagnostic and surgical procedures.

In June, THD organised 1 webinar and 5 Advanced live Courses dedicated to different diagnostic and surgical procedures.

1 webinar dedicated to Anorectal Manometry was held by Dr. Alex Leo, 2 Advanced Courses on THD® Doppler for Anolift were performed by Dr. Afshin Heydari and by Dr. Pasquale Giordano, 1 Advanced Course on High Resolution Anoscopy held by Dr. Massimiliano Mistrangelo, 1 Advanced Course on HRA, 1 Advanced Course on Endoanal Ultrasonography and Anorectal Manometry held by Dr. Igor Sirovich and one Advanced Course on Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS) that took place in UK.

In June, THD webinars and Advanced Live courses saw the participation of a total of 91 surgeons from different countries.
